PSU Environmental Science Colloquium Series: Past Fire and Present-Day Mesophication: Implications for oak ecosystem restoration

Please join us for Plymouth State University's Center for the Environment Fall 2017 Environmental Science Colloquium Series. Talks are held from 4-5 pm in the Boyd Science Center, Room 001.

September 13 – Past Fire and Present-Day Mesophication: Implications for oak ecosystem restoration – Greg Nowacki, USFS Regional Ecologist

Dissertation Defense: Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls on Carbon and Nitrogen Export from River Networks

How are nutrients and carbon delivered from land to streams? When and where within river networks are nutrients and carbon transformed and retained by aquatic biota?

Presented by: Lauren Koenig

Friday, September 15, 2017, 9:00 AM

University of New Hampshire, James Hall, Room G46

Advisor: Dr. William McDowell

2018 New Hampshire Water & Watershed Conference

The 11th New Hampshire Water & Watershed Conference will be held on March 23, 2018 at Plymouth State University in Plymouth, NH. Each year, this popular event addresses current issues around our water resources and watersheds. For 2018, the event will focus on regional environmental stresses and how we are adapting to new information, emerging issues, and current events affecting water quality and water supply.

Industry–University Cooperative Research Centers - IUCRC Informational Webinar

NSF EPSCoR would like to invite interested faculty to participate in an informational webinar on the IUCRC: Industry–University Cooperative Research Centers Program.

This virtual meeting/webinar will consist of both an audio portion via teleconference and a presentation component via WebEx. In addition to a computer connection for the visual part of the meeting, you will need a separate phone connection to participate in the teleconference.

Meeting phone number: 1-415-655-0002
Meeting number (access code): 749 315 222
Meeting password: EPSCoR17!

Get the Facts: New Hampshire's Changing Climate, Land Cover, and Ecosystems

New Hampshire's ecosystems provide a host of services: Clean water, food, wood for fiber, fuel, or timber; protection from flooding, regional and global climate regulation, recreational opportunities, and cycling of key nutrients such as nitrogen. NH EPSCoR researchers have shown that these ecosystem services are being affected by changes in climate and land use in freshwater ecosystems across the state.