Ecosystems & Society News
View the Final Outcomes Report for NH EPSCoR's 8-year Ecosystems & Society project.
UNH researchers estimate that more than 10 percent of streams in the Merrimack River watershed are impacted by high chloride concentrations as a result of road salt applied during winter.
UNH research professor Liz Burakowski talks with WCSH-TV about what her research means for the winter sports tourism industry in New England.
The NH EPSCoR sensor network continues to provide important climate data for UNH scientists.
Carrie Greenough's work on New Hampshire viewsheds highlighted the vital role of communities in research and public planning.
NH EPSCoR researchers find that some major effects of climate change could be felt in New England as soon as mid-century.
Real-time snowpack monitoring will be made possible this winter by NH EPSCoR-supported SnowSentry™ technology.
New research supported by NH EPSCoR aims to improve the health of Great Bay Estuary by better managing nonpoint nitrogen inputs.
UNH Professor of Environmental Science and NH EPSCoR researcher Bill McDowell is featured as part of the UNH Faculty Excellence 2017 video series, along with his PhD student Bianca Rodriguez-Cardona.
Researchers from Dartmouth were part of the team that found that climate change is having a clear impact on the seasons in New Hampshire.
NH EPSCoR research points to a lengthening “vernal window”, which may have ecological, social, and economic consequences.
New study: UNH ranks second nationally in ecological research and scholarship. Ecosystems & Society faculty Serita Frey and Scott Ollinger talk about that honor.
Bianca's research focus is the role of carbon in regulating nitrogen in streams, and her field work has taken her all over the world.
Environmental data is free and available online through NH EPSCoR's Data Discovery Center.
NH EPSCoR researchers have developed a series of fact sheets that translate key research findings as a resource for decision-makers.