• Keynote Speaker M. SELIM ÜNLÜ
    Boston University Distinguished Professor and Keynote Speaker M. SELIM ÜNLÜ delivered an insightful talk tracing the path of the IRIS sensor from laboratory research to commercialization.
  • Plenary Speaker Jennifer MacDonald, MD
    Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute COO Dr. Jennifer MacDonald, MD focused her plenary talk on Building the U.S. Bioeconomy
  • ARMI Tissue Foundry tour
    Attendees were given a fascinating tour of ARMI | BioFabUSA's state-of-the-art Tissue Foundry
  • Breakout sessions included 50 talks on ground-breaking research in tissue engineering, orthopedic implants, biosensors, and health care cyber-security. Lots of Q&A from session participants!
  • NH BioMade graduate students Peder Solberg, Stan Buklovskyi, and Katya Wells
    NH BioMade graduate students Peder Solberg, Stan Buklovskyi, and Katya Wells present their research posters on better biomaterials for orthopedic implants.



"Can we do this again?"

The 150 participants at the June 11 &12, 2024 Bioinnovations Symposium: Catalyzing Collaborations conference heard from 50 renowned scientists doing innovative work on biomaterials and cyber-security for human health. Topics included novel approaches in wearable and implantable biosensors, tissue engineering and advancements in orthopedic implants. 

Many attendees departed the conference noting how worthwhile it was for them and expressing their hope that it would be offered again. As one attendee put it: "You succeeded at your objectives. We learned a lot and we made connections with each other that we can carry forward. Well done!"  To learn more about the Symposium, see the event website.


Major NSF Funding Will Advance N.H.’s Science and Technology Leadership

$8M grant boosts research capacity of community colleges, undergraduate-serving institutions, industry

New Hampshire will advance its leadership as an innovator in science and technology and increase its STEM workforce with investments across the state’s institutions of higher education, funded by a major National Science Foundation grant. The $8 million cooperative agreement award to UNH, one of just three of its type in the nation, aims to increase research opportunities, mentoring, training, and partnerships between New Hampshire’s community colleges, four-year colleges and universities and industry.

BIO-SENS Symposium Promo

Join us in Laramie, Wyoming!

Registration is now open! The 3rd annual BIO-SENS Industry-Academic Biotechnology Symposium will be held on July 30 at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, WY. The symposium will feature student presentations, academic and industry keynote speakers, panel discussions, and networking time to begin building connections and collaboration across industry and academia.


NIH Maximizing Investigators' Research Award 

Our heartiest congratulations to UNH Chemical Engineering Assistant Professor and NH BioMade researcher Linqing Li for receiving an NIH MIRA (R35) award! His lab will be investigating, "Combining soluble and bound factors in microstructured hydrogels to promote chronic wound angiogenesis and healing". 

Moultonborough Academy Teacher Karen McAlpine

NH CREATES Success Story

Last year, Karen McAlpine, a middle school teacher at Moultonborough Academy, was the subject of a great piece in the Laconia Daily Sun focused on the new curriculum she has developed around regenerative medicine. A graduate of the Tech for Teachers Institute, Karen is introducing her students to the extraordinary powers of planaria and sea slugs—both of which can regenerate lost body parts.


NIH Maximizing Investigators' Research Award

UNH Assistant Professor of Chemistry Nate Oldenhuis was also selected for an R35 MIRA award. His research lab will explore, "Using DNA hydrogels to mimic, exploit, and fundamentally investigate extracellular matrices". Their research aims to demonstrate the broad utility of DNA-based hydrogels and their potential to revolutionize regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, drug delivery, and biosensing.

NH BioMade Highlights

A schematic depicting a sea cucumber mimic


Kristen Johnson & Mary Stewart, UNH Manchester

The NH Collaborative Learning through Industry Internships and Academic Mentorship in Biotech for Students Upscaling the Workforce (NH CLIMBS UP), funded by a NH BioMade seed grant, supported workforce development in biomanufacturing. The week-long course provided cell culture skills training through integrated interactions with industry representatives, career and education counselors, and mentors. NH CLIMBS UP cross-trained engineers to understand cell culture and needs of living cells and tissues, a skills gap identified by local industry. Read More