NH BioMade Transfer Scholars

Community college student in lab

NH BioMade Transfer Scholars

Applications for the Transfer Scholar program are closed. 


The main goals of the Transfer Scholars program were to 1) increase the number of community college students that transfer to NH BioMade 4-year degree programs, and 2) increase the retention and graduation rates of these transfer students. These two goals have provided a pathway for community college students to join the workforce in rapidly growing and high-wage BioMade careers. 

The program has demonstrated the importance of mentorship support and success among the community college students enrolled in biotechnology and engineering majors as Transfer Scholars. The average Transfer Scholars’ grade point average to date including all Transfer Scholars is a 3.5 GPA. Six former Transfer Scholars are employed in the STEM engineering and manufacturing industry and one teaches STEM at a charter high school. Additionally, three former Transfer Scholars enrolled in engineering graduate programs: two at UNH (Master’s) and one at University of Southern California (Doctoral; recipient of an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship).

NH BioMade has accepted 24 Transfer Scholars over the past five years. The majority, 46%, transferred from Great Bay Community College, followed by Manchester Community College 39%, and NH Technical Institute-Concord 17%. Out of 23 participants who provided demographic data, 39% were first generation college students, and 56% identified as female. Demographics collected reflect a student population 64% White, 9% Asian, 9% Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and American Indian/Alaska Native, and 4% Black/African American; 14% of participants opted not to respond to this question.

Program Contact: Jennifer Baker - jennifer.baker@unh.edu